Build a Business by Licensing your App Templates, Game Source Code and Components to other Developers

Are you an iOS or Android App Developer?

Dovemobi is the best place for Indie Developers who can make good games, want to sell the source code, and who want to start making money with their own products. If clients want to reskin the game, Indie Developers whose source code bought by the clients will be offered to do reskin service, thus will make them get an additional income.

Here's how to works...

Organize your projects

  • Choose the most useful libraries you have in your portfolio
  • Create a documentation which explains how to integrate and customize it in a different project
  • Pack your project in a .zip or .rar file

Upload your App on Dovemobi

  • Give your App a title, category, and a description
  • Upload the project files in a .zip or .rar file
  • We review & publish your App in the shortest time possible

Enjoy your earnings

  • Keep 60% of all revenue from sales
  • We protect you from any kind of fraud. There is no other place that provides such Seller Protection
  • There is NO hidden charge. Listing your App is completely FREE

Become an Author on Dovemobi